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Centralized Event System for Godot 4.x.

User Manual | Tutorials | Forum | Demo Scripts

Is your project getting too complex? Are you finding it hard to work in teams without breaking other people's code? Does your script look more like spaghetti than an organized work of art? 

Decoupler can help you to isolate your code, allowing each section to work independently of others. 

  • Simplify and untangle your project. 
  • Make changes in one area without breaking everything else. 
  • Code in teams without having to worry about changes in each other's work. 
  • Isolate and test sections of code easily. 

Decoupler is a centralized event system that allows any script to subscribe to events. When you send out a broadcast, you do not need to worry about who or what is receiving the events, only that you have passed on the information or made the request you need. 

Godot uses signals to bring some decoupling between objects, but you still have to maintain connections directly with objects instead of communicating through a centralized messaging system. Using decoupler, you can develop worry-free, not caring about what objects will receive your messages. This is also great for team environments as you can develop all of your scenes and objects modularly without being concerned with the connections between them.

Decoupled scripting will pay dividends down the road as your projects become more complex, allowing you to make changes with little re-coding. Visualizing how everything works together with events is far simpler than having to constantly keep track of each object's dependencies. The only dependencies you will need with decoupler are the events and the decoupler manager, cutting down on the spaghetti nature of larger projects. 

Send out two types of events: messages and requests. Messages inform other objects that something has happened. Requests return information back to the broadcaster. 

Documentation, full GDScript source, and numerous examples are provided to help you understand how you can use decoupler in your project.


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